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Monday, September 8, 2014

Kens5 what to do with the Hemisphere Tower Plaza?

Hemisphere World Fair II 
Economic Summit 
San Antonio’s 500th Year Birthday Hemisphere 
World Fair II What a Fiesta! 
A Birthday Party That Pays For Itself 
Kens5 what to do with the Hemisphere Tower Plaza?  
by G. N. O'Dell 08/29/2014
Submitted To Congress 2010

San Antonio’s 500th Year Birthday Hemisphere World Fair II What a Fiesta! 

Submitted by G. N. O’Dell read the fine print Share and Share alike “Manifesting the American Dream”
San Antonio is one of our oldest cities in the United States of America and will be celebrating her 500th Birthday soon. The Hemisphere world fair 1968 was the last large co-operative economic summit that brought the Americas together as one people sharing the same dream – The American Dream! Last reported 65% of Mexican nationals do not wish to live in the USA, they want to trade with the USA; so why not have another Hemisphere World Fair II by joint venture of investors, stalk holders, activist and bankers by pooling millions of dollars together from any county that would like to have another Hemisphere World Fair Economic Summit?

Post Image Map by permission of the copyright holder Gregory N. O’Dell 1290 Mc Coy Road Somerset Texas 78069 830-429-1965


  1. 65% of Mexican nationals do not wish to live in the USA, they want to trade with the USA; so why not have another Hemisphere World Fair II by joint venture of investors, stalk holders, activist and bankers by pooling millions of dollars together from any county that would like to have another Hemisphere World Fair Economic Summit?

  2. 911 call tv jackers jsu8t had another hit the floor you are gfoing to jail SAPD
