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Sunday, April 19, 2015

We Have Done No Wrong

Read the police reports not my blogs
The Police have not Contacted me So I Must of Gave Them Full Details
You Know my Name and Phone Number Don't Use Facebook try the Phone Book
You're Still On My Mind

Most Have One Intrusive State and Federal Gov Action Some Have Multiple
"These Things Are Not the Victims Problem"
Paul Ryan Quit Crying about people on Social Security and veterans waiting for entitlements, when you're own digital signature in my p.c. and thief by you or your aids. He is not the only one

"Everyday these politicians preach this sermon and hold back rewards, entitlements, and compensation; people get weaker and sick to a point of no return - a waste of human lives because
of a false political argument of 'Free Riders'"

We Have Done No Wrong

I Knocked on these agencies door first and was always registered with the United States State Department and IRS and tracked (This is a good thing there is a reason for it) because I hold a Aviation Certificate 

Enumerate: 1. UT Illegal Discovery other Universities ordered by X Gov Rick Perry to steal! There is no nice way to put it - Filed again valid thief of academic work and illegal discovery, including 'No Access' 'Targeted Retaliation' 'Oppression' 'Malpractice' 'Manslaughter' Deception all the way up to torture not behavioral control Human Exploitation

i. University Human experimentation outside [Some Inside is illegal] of protocol see Texas State Senator Urisities Report that is mild compared to the reality.

b. Private Security Firms Domestic and Foreign hacks illegal immoral and criminal.

2. FBI Protective Service May include HHS - This case Victims of 3 Terrorist Bombings - Protective Service are welcomed
a. EO for VA Veteran Protective services [EO I don't like it but we co-operate] Did not request the intrusions they unwelcome, uncomfortable, uninvited. But there here and it is an EO "I don't like it but i guess things happen that way"

3. X-Governor abuse of power-  I was found dead on the floor and other family members Illegal Discovery By the State of Texas

4. In just this one case $2,000,000.00 worth of academic papers exploited and stolen plagiarized

 5. Victims of Crime all hand written responses all submitted up to date 'Go Postal' with signed receipts 2007-2015. 

Ist stage of process we do not need a lawyer it is a police report - if rejected, then go to lawyer (Should be Paid by the state or Federal Budget depends) criminal acts against me and others who have assets or aire to assets, while Texas got caught Stealing Grand Larceny - The FBI's problem, not mine. 

Law Enforcement are up to date and so is the sheriff. Three years lost to reporting real crimes that happen in my family circle death for no reason the intent - OIL.

b. Intent by criminals to collect my rewards and entitlements

6. FBI and above have always had the authority and was always trusted and still is along as due process is followed. They know what they are doing -they make mistakes too noted and *forgivable "two-way street"

*'When the people have no rights, they can do no wrongs"

7. Texas 2000: HHS put in position to help but forced to police and look for fraud "Causes a Conflict of Interest" - could be a Texas problem but they failed to find on error other than my poor spelling

04/19/2015 Took Seven Years to prove certifications, Degrees and whereabouts, all registered with the United States State Department who failed not just me but thousands of *expats. 

Why Should Expats Doctors Ect - those who work aboard vote for Hilary Clinton When She Failed To Help Her Own People?

The State Departments is responsible for *US United States Citizens Working aboard, student studying abroad, researchers practicing abroad, doctors, aircraft workers ect, ect, ect,

Who Pays They Should - They Don't!

"Everyday these politicians preach this sermon and hold back rewards, entitlements, and compensation; people get weaker and sick to a point of no return - a waste of human lives because
of a false political argument of 'Free Riders'"

Tangible losses that get into high dollars: they should compensate the victims like me and many others; especially, FBI terrorist informants, Witness, and Victims

8. Tangible Losses have requested and ignored. Loss Time - trying to make a dollar to supplement my limited income and hacked "No Access Oppression" Valid ADA complaint still waiting to go back to campus to use the resources to research and Ceramic Kilns (See NASA Submittal) , Physical Therapy Pools Library and thousand of other resources that belongs to the community not the University. 

Some Texas Universities act as if they are the district attorney Judge Jury and executioner - See complaint Suzanne Reed and OCR Complaint with police report. 

Note 001: Ceramic Deep Space Aerospace parts submittal

Note 002: An invitation to bid on 'Engineered Spect Drawings' "One Service Connected Vietnam Veteran was excluded because his derogatory facebook page" concerning Texas Governor Rick Perry. Would not have happened if NASA used the telephone book instead of Facebook -The only means of protection from the RICO Perry Network. The oversight committee said, 'It was an isolated incident but would check to see if it was wide spread." 
*Email records have not bee modified by me - Computers Do Not Lie People Do!

All agencies have hard copy hand written waiting for response. Seven Years is way too long!

A White Paper Used By Texas HHS
Not A Food Stamp Request
"Works Better Than Digital Systems So Change The Form To Be More Definitive"

9. Community State-lite and people were harmed not by me reported to congress 'watch out about rural communities sharing' before the harm!

10. Robotics - tied to someone for something already listed above 11. Unidentified elg Arrow Shots - could be terrorist 12:20 04/19/2015 12. Retaliation with deadly force _____________________________________________ Starting Today 04/19/2015 

Problem Illegal Hackers still stealing and wasting my time excluding legitimate protective services 6. Starting Today 04/19/2015 Loss Time - trying to make a dollar to supplement my limited income and hacked "No Access Oppression" Valid ADA complaint still waiting to go back to campus to use the resources to research and Ceramic Kilns, Physical Therapy Pool Ect Ect Ect

7. Several Collections High Dollar do not belong to me but given to me to try and make a dollar to supplement my income to secure the copyright or advocate that the collection were legally collected such as arrow heads coins rare books on the rise because of data manipulation ect. 

A few examples: 
1. Arrow Heads
2. 03/01/2015 Cartoon Collection 125 each 20 done or listed than stolen the moment camera shot Hackers steal and the price goes up and even digital river steal a collective consciousness of content from content producers like us and pay nothing - Astronomical amount includes well thought out business plans medicine and economics ect. ect.

2. Anthropology Artifacts World Wide: Causes a stink when i post a picture because somebody lied about history. None is harmful other than to politicians who lie or are neoconservative to scientific fact and that is too bad! 

I know just a few people that could raise the money to do what I have done, well traveled and studied.

And a loss of assets that belong to me and should be share with credit and monies by me to academia. I spent a life time traveling and collecting - Why because each piece helps fell in a blank spot important to anthropologist, scientist, enjoyment, literature, and entertainment like movies or factual documentaries importance to professional journalist - nobody gives a dam about my spelling 'Gold' 'Glod' big deal "We all know Content is King!" 

Paul Ryan Quit Crying about people on Social Security and veterans waiting for entitlements, when you're own digital signature in my p.c. and thief by you or your aids. He is not the only one - a clue 'buckwomen' 
'Tea Party Freeriders'

"Everyday these politicians preach this sermon and hold back rewards, entitlements, and compensation; people get weaker and sick to a point of no return - a waste of human lives because
of a false political argument of 'Free Riders'"

Texas X-Gov Rick Perry Was Just a Circus Show Ragged 
Clown Chasing His Own Shadow
Perlude to three month Communications Black Out
Prosecution the Only Solution Look At The Millions in Income Texans are Losing Everyday
Sony on the Verizon Sunset
We Have Done No Wrong Notes Fiction whatever "Somebody Needed To Say It"

"These Things Are Not the Victims Problem" 

It Is a Texas Problem With A Texas Solution. The old school 'Kill the Messenger' is not appropriate and counter productive (See the Culling).

We Are Counting On Ken Paxton Texas Attorney General - all 250,000 of U.S.
Texas Patriotism Stand Up and  Be Counted Share and Share Alike

Stand Up And Be Counted



  2. A taste of the Ten Story Texas Surveillance Mountain - when surveillance screws itself

  3. When all else fail and your own senators do not respond it is Texas law that the constituent can make a personal plea to Mr. Tambourine the Honorable President Barack Obama of the United States of America. *Some hack 06:24 01/07/2016 (*a learned behavior to note a hack or robotic action) could be foreign or domestic just typed 'taxes' get the hell out of our lives you are killing us you are so intrusive "I can't pee while you watching' in layman's terms
