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Monday, March 3, 2014

What did Jimmy Stewart's Banker Say?

"You Are Worth More Dead Than Alive."
the 911 Patriot Act. 

You Broke The Law You Wrote
Now You Will Be Breaking Rocks In Federal Prison
Take Texas Governor Rick Perry Out Now!
Put Him In Jail Today - No Excuses 

Just One Private Dick Company 18 Months Wasted Time

They Cost Jobs In America!

What did Houston Se Texas Say?

Mi amistosísimo GregO,
I`m a Ukrainian but you want to make me a Russian as Russian is from the Rush: these shams blockaded our military bases in the Crimea and wage war with uncensored words (they are, hm-hm, asking for wc into Ukrainian bases) so I`m a bit  nervous and must make some preliminary steps, as every reserve army officer, but still hope that we`ll finish this map and start the next soon -- but at least not sooner than I`ve promiced.
Don`t worry, don`t hurry, don`t carry.
Your Friend always,

I Wrote "You are not a ukrainian you a kling-on once call a dengleberry give me my map"

What did Houston Se Texas Say?

Mi amistosísimo GregO,
I`m a Ukrainian but you want to make me a Russian as Russian is from the Rush: these shams blockaded our military bases in the Crimea and wage war with uncensored words (they are, hm-hm, asking for wc into Ukrainian bases) so I`m a bit  nervous and must make some preliminary steps, as every reserve army officer, but still hope that we`ll finish this map and start the next soon -- but at least not sooner than I`ve promiced.
Don`t worry, don`t hurry, don`t carry.
Your Friend always,

I Wrote "You are not a ukrainian you a kling-on once call a dengleberry give me my map"

Dear Alamo FBI “It Does not exist unless we have it on paper” Now you have it on paper as follows: Drug Traffickers Hire Private Security Firms Like Texas Houston Se to Embed Illegal Material in your systems [Already reported to you] that is just one thing Private Security Firms and done. 

They are illegal under the 911 Patriot act that funds them they protect the criminals and Terrorist that hire them ........... I just won another Reward Pay Me Cash will be fine.

How Much Do They Owe Me Just In Tangible Loss


  1. Blocked Comments Post As You Please I Do - I Can't

  2. I Only Had Dollar To Make To Next Wednesday 02/26/2014

    All is Lost I Am Found
    When will they ever learn

    1. I Only Had Dollar To Make To Next Wednesday 02/26/2014

      All is Lost I Am Found
      When will they ever learn
