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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Just When I Thought Is Over Another Hack of My Documents by The States of Texas

I Feel Like I Am The Quality Assurance 
Program for Federal Government

But You Paid Billions To The Wrong Contractor

I Am a Victim, Informant, and Witness of Several Terrorist Acts Sworn In A Texas Court of Law

Anybody Else Want To Breach My Private Documents and Force Disclosure In Public? My Privacy Why It Should Concern The United States Department of State and Those, who Breached my notes and Used That Information to Harm The Integrity of Several Federal Agencies and Damn Near Got Me Killed

 Henry Cuellar I Asked you to Contact The FBI 

Eric H. Holder Jr. Attorney General of the United States

College Campus Student Stalking by 
Staff is a CRIME 
“No Excuses”

Thank you for the opportunity to address the highest level of government via your web site for positive change in Washington. Few Americans have problems that require a letter to the president to straighten out an issue, especially if the issue already has a process and function in place to handle such concerns as disability discrimination and retaliation in higher education 
Unfortunately, after two years of writing reports to the Justice Department at the request of the Justice Department, I just received what is known in disable student circles as a 'Cee Cee Rubber Stamp" letter that states "The circumstances you describe do not raise an issue that we are able to address," signed Cee Cee Allaway, Director, Complaint Intake & Adjudication. My concerns list in details, the systematic discrimination that exist today on American Campuses that played a major role in the shooting at Virginia Tech, on one of your campuses, Illinois University in April 2008, and a library in my own Home town of San Antonio Texas less than six months ago!

Senator John Cornyn is monitoring this case because I made a commitment to his office, "If this case is investigated thoroughly it will help all Texas Disabled students." I also made a commitment to the Dallas Office of Civil Rights that I would cooperate fully with the investigation that is now in process for over two years and is a major campus safety concern. The Dallas Field Office of Civil Rights can not perform their duties if Cee Cee rubber stamps and rejects valid complaints from students and also in this case disabled student parents of students that attend Texas Campuses- We have a valid interest in this case regardless of the fact that we are both disabled.

Lastly, at the request of the Justice Department, I have submitted 100rds of pages of testimony that is still under investigation by the Dallas Field Office. Today, I receive a letter from Cee Cee Allaway that does not state which of the 27 separate grievances of discrimination, retaliation, and harassment now under investigation by the Dallas Field Office that Cee Cee is rejecting. Please have your staff look into the bogus investigations by the Justice Department over the last eight years during the Bush Administration. Due process can not work with a Justice Department that cheats to its own agenda.

I believe if the same laws to protect stalked students by other students is also applied to university staff, occurrences such as Virginia Tech, Illinois University, and campuses throughout America would never had occurred. The University of Houston Stalking Safety Page has excluded stalking by faculty and staff. I have noted some of the information and added inserts of my own experience with stalkers that are employed by US colleges and universities for student safety and without permission from the author. University of Houston is one of the finest campuses in the state and the information is extremely important to you if you are a victim of stalking. My experiences have nothing to do with the UH campus. I am only using their safety awareness page because it is a good source. My concern is that the page does not include stalking by faculty and staff which includes hyper-surveillance. THE COMPLETE WEB PAGE CAN BE VIEWED AT


Stalking, as defined by the criminal justice system, refers to acts such as following, viewing, communicating with, or moving in a threatening or menacing 
manner toward someone without that person’s consent.  It entails a pattern of harassing behaviors intended to frighten, intimidate, terrorize, or injure another 

Cyber stalking is a variety of behaviors that involve (a) repeated threats and/or harassment (b) by the use of electronic mail or other computer-based 
communication (c) that would make a reasonable person afraid or concerned for their safety (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). Cyber stalking can include 
repeated email's or instant messages, flooding victim’s e-mail box, sending viruses, using victim’s email to subscribe to unwanted listers; sending misinformation 
to chat rooms; and sending victim’s information and photos to sexually-oriented sites.  

Common stalking behaviors include spying, sending notes or gifts, surveillance, threats, unannounced visits or calls, psychological aggression and     coercion, 
attempting to scare or harass the person being stalked, and even physical and verbal attacks (Davis & Frieze, 2002; Sinclair & Frieze, 2005).

 [Insert: There is little statistics on College Staff and Faculty Stalking/ spying because the police are for hire (employed by the school) and do not want to loose their jobs. If you 
think you are a victim, you are not alone- contact the FBI not the police]

The primary motives for stalking include power, control, and possession  [Insert: There is little statistics on College Staff and Faculty Stalking because the 
police are for hire (employed by the school) and do not want to loose their jobs, so they do not report the incident. If you think you are a victim, you are not 
alone- contact the FBI not the police]


8% of women and 2% of men have been stalked at some point in their lives (National Institute of Justice, 1996)

Stalking seems to be more prevalent on college campuses.  In one study between 27% and 35% of female students were stalked and between 15% and 18% of 
male students (Fee moue, We strep, & Penny packer, 1997).  

In one study on a college campus, 1 in 10 students reported having experienced online harassment from either strangers, an acquaintance, or a significant 
other (Finn, 2004).  Sexual minorities were especially targeted.

Common stalking behaviors include spying, sending notes or gifts, surveillance, threats, unannounced visits or calls, psychological aggression and coercion, 
attempting to scare or harass the person being stalked, and even physical and verbal attacks (Davis & Frieze, 2002; Sinclair & Frieze, 2005).

The primary motives for stalking include power, control, and possession.

 [Insert: In the case of staff members or faculty, the stalker imagines that it is their 
responsibility to do so. In most cases it is no different than any other stalking case, power, control, and possession.]

Effects on Victim(s)

Victims should be reminded that they did not ask for this behavior, nor deserve it. Although some people might downplay the effects of being stalked, it can have serious ramifications for the victim.  Some effects include:  anxiety, mental anguish, physical harm, stress, and fear. Many times stalking forces victims to make changes in their lives such as moving from their homes, changing jobs, or being becoming hyper vigilant.  

What you Can Do to Address Stalking

End all communication with the person who is stalking you. You might need to write a letter stating that such contact is unwelcome and you will contact law enforcement if the behavior continues. Do not further react, argue, scream, or pay further attention for that is often what the stalker wants.

Document the stalking, writing down times, places, and detailed summaries of each event.

[Insert: To Protect Yourself and Family, Documentation, Documentation, Documentation.)

Contact law enforcement officials.  Only police should confront the stalker, not friends or family members. 

[Insert: In the case of College Staff or Faculty Stalking sometimes call Hyper-surveillance contact the FBI. The police work for the college or university and in most cases a sincere report will draw attention to yourself and increase the stalking in a systematic way. In many schools, the acronym is CUBIT or BIT, College University Behavioral Intervention Team. If you are registered with a disability, even if that disability has nothing to do with psychiatry, the staff member will use this information to demoralize your reports to the police. In addition,  the police will not report the incident to the Federal Crime Statistics Bureau or police blotter to protect the stalker and their own jobs!]

Mr. President, I don’t know if you realize that if a student reports slaking by staff members and sometimes referred to a College University Behavioral Intervention Team ( a private company made up of ex-law enforcement officials including the FBI and Secret Service Agents are not reported on the police blotter or to federal statistical data bases; even though, cases of stalking and spying by staff would be the majority of cases reported. If you’re new “NO Excuses” policy applies to me a student and my children who are adult college students, than it should also apply to everyone in the educational system! 

It is no surprise to me now that after a two year investigation by Justice Department concerning stalking and spying of targeted disabled students reaches deaf ears at the appropriate law enforcement agencies by way of an ex-law enforcement official buddy system such as former FBI Director William Sessions, and Ex-Secret Service Agent Dr. Marisa who publicly instruct (paid by disabled student accessibility grants) campus police “it is incumbent on cops themselves to police their own behavior” that is a function of the FBI – NO EXCUSES. Lastly, the same laws that apply to adult students on college campuses apply to faculty, Staff, and Police – NO EXCUSES!

Please refer to the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights response to case number 06082053 and assist me with a legal response as criminal charges against the responsible parties as presented in the first place to the DOJ by me a College Student and parent of college students, not a disability compliance policy investigation. 
“Those that educate us, trust us” 

Thank you,

Gregory O’Dell
South Central Texas District 28th


  1. This Stalking legislation was written by Governor of Texas George Bush Jr and Henry Cuellar

  2. I Feel Like I Am The Quality Assurance
    Program for Federal Government

    I Am a Victim, Informant, and Witness of Several Terrorist Acts Sworn In A Texas Court of Law

    Anybody Else Want To Breach My Private Documents and Force Disclosure In Public? My Privacy Why It Should Concern The United States Department of State and Those, who Breached my notes and Used That Information to Harm The Integrity of Several Federal Agencies and Damn Near Got Me Killed

  3. Cyber stalking is a variety of behaviors that involve (a) repeated threats and/or harassment (b) by the use of electronic mail or other computer-based
    communication (c) that would make a reasonable person afraid or concerned for their safety (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). Cyber stalking can include
    repeated email's or instant messages, flooding victim’s e-mail box, sending viruses, using victim’s email to subscribe to unwanted listers; sending misinformation
    to chat rooms; and sending victim’s information and photos to sexually-oriented sites.

  4. Retaliation or Interrogation by Helicopter Attacks is Illegal See Yale College Murder Case 2009

  5. Eric H. Holder Jr. Attorney General of the United States College Campus Student Stalking by Staff is a CRIME “No Excuses”

  6. Google ad Austin Master's Program I once work on a fishing boat as a Jr. Baiter now i get my Masters Baiter

  7. Put you Sweet Lips A Littel To My Phone The FBI I Gald You Didn't Save and The FBI Saved It

  8. Can't you people write you own stories and essays withou hacking me?

  9. Put you Sweet Lips A Little Closer To My Phone

  10. Hack Attack 2100 hours 06/19/2014 helping me with editing my essay their way? You write the story then what the hell do you need me for?

  11. Just The Facts Jack these hackers are or use other personalities to send emails or threatening messages this was not threatening at all - revealing

  12. Few Americans have problems that require a letter to the president to straighten out an issue, especially if the issue already has a process and function in place to handle such concerns as disability discrimination and retaliation in higher education
    Unfortunately, after two years of writing reports to the Justice Department at the request of the Justice Department
